Sam is writing a report on asthma and allergies. What is the MOST accurate way to categorize these two ailments?

(1 point)

These are mental health disorders.

These are mental health disorders.

These are single gene inherited disorders.

These are single gene inherited disorders.

These are communicable diseases.

These are communicable diseases.

These are chronic conditions.

These are chronic conditions.

These are chronic conditions.

No one in Rohan’s immediate family has cancer. What does this MOST likely mean?

(1 point)

He will never get cancer.

He will never get cancer.

His mom does not have cancer-causing genes.

His mom does not have cancer-causing genes.

His dad does not have cancer-causing genes.

His dad does not have cancer-causing genes.

He could possibly get cancer.

He could possibly get cancer.

The most accurate way to categorize asthma and allergies is as chronic conditions.

The most accurate way to categorize asthma and allergies is as chronic conditions. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the airways, causing shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. Allergies, on the other hand, are an exaggerated immune response to substances in the environment, such as pollen, pet dander, or certain foods. Both asthma and allergies can be long-lasting and require ongoing management to control symptoms and prevent flare-ups. To reach this conclusion, you can consider the definition and characteristics of each condition, consult reputable sources like medical textbooks or websites specializing in healthcare information, or consult with medical professionals who specialize in these areas.