Define active reading

Active reading is a reading strategy that involves engaging with the text on a deeper level by actively participating in the reading process. It involves interacting with the material, asking questions, making annotations, summarizing information, and making connections to prior knowledge. Active readers are actively working to understand and remember the content, rather than passively reading through the text without any critical thinking or engagement.

Active reading is a technique that involves actively engaging with the material you are reading in order to better comprehend and retain information. It goes beyond simply reading the words on the page and involves strategies to help you understand the content on a deeper level. This can include techniques such as highlighting or underlining key points, taking notes, asking questions, making connections to prior knowledge, and summarizing information. Active reading helps to increase focus, improve comprehension, and enhance critical thinking skills.

Active reading refers to a deliberate and engaged approach to reading, wherein you actively interact with the text and strive to comprehend, analyze, and reflect upon the information presented. It is a process that goes beyond simply reading words on a page or screen and involves techniques and strategies to deepen your understanding and retention of the material. Active reading requires proactive participation and focuses on enhancing comprehension, critical thinking, and knowledge acquisition.