Article 1 Informs readers about the benefits of hand washingand Article 2 persuades readers to wash their hands more. Given this Information, which method of writing is different between the two articles? (1 point)

O purpose for writing

O text organization

O topic

O tone

The correct answer is "O tone." The tone of the first article is informative, as it aims to provide readers with information about the benefits of hand washing. On the other hand, the tone of the second article is persuasive, as it aims to convince readers to wash their hands more frequently.

The method of writing that is different between the two articles is the tone.

To identify the method of writing that is different between the two articles, you need to compare the aspects of O purpose for writing, O text organization, O topic, and O tone.

First, let's analyze each aspect:

1. Purpose for writing: The purpose of writing refers to the intention or goal behind the article. In this case, Article 1 informs readers about the benefits of hand washing, while Article 2 persuades readers to wash their hands more. So, the purpose for writing is different between the two articles.

2. Text organization: Text organization refers to how the content of the article is structured and arranged. Without further information, it is not possible to determine whether the text organization is different between the two articles.

3. Topic: The topic of an article refers to the subject matter it covers. Since both articles are discussing the benefits of hand washing, the topic remains the same.

4. Tone: Tone refers to the attitude or feelings conveyed by the writer. From the provided information, it is not clear whether the tone differs between the articles.

Based on the given information, the method of writing that is different between the two articles is the purpose for writing. While Article 1 focuses on informing readers about the benefits of hand washing, Article 2 aims to persuade readers to wash their hands more.