At the fabric store, Mrs. Hollern bought different amounts of ribbon to make hair bows. The table shows the amount of each type of ribbon. Blue striped=54 in Pink=63 in Purple stars=45 in Rainbow=27 in. The store was having a sale and all the ribbon was $2 per yard. How much will Mrs. Hollern pay for all the ribbon? (Lmao that was a lot. I need help on this problem. This paper is due tomorrow, if anybody would like to help it would be greatly appreciated.)

To find out how much Mrs. Hollern will pay for all the ribbon, we need to first find out the total length of ribbon she bought in inches.

Blue striped ribbon: 54 in
Pink ribbon: 63 in
Purple stars ribbon: 45 in
Rainbow ribbon: 27 in

Now we will convert the lengths to yards since the price is given per yard.

Blue striped ribbon: 54 in ÷ 36 = 1.5 yds
Pink ribbon: 63 in ÷ 36 = 1.75 yds
Purple stars ribbon: 45 in ÷ 36 = 1.25 yds
Rainbow ribbon: 27 in ÷ 36 = 0.75 yds

Now we will calculate the total length of ribbon in yards:

1.5 yds + 1.75 yds + 1.25 yds + 0.75 yds = 5.25 yds

Since all the ribbon is $2 per yard, we will multiply the total length by $2.

5.25 yds * $2/yd = $<<5.25*2=10.5>>10.5

Mrs. Hollern will pay $10.5 for all the ribbon.

To find the total cost of the ribbon, we need to first convert the measurements from inches to yards. Since there are 36 inches in a yard, we can use this conversion factor to calculate the length of ribbon in yards.

1 yard = 36 inches

Let's convert each length of ribbon from inches to yards:

Blue striped ribbon:
54 inches ÷ 36 inches/yard = 1.5 yards

Pink ribbon:
63 inches ÷ 36 inches/yard ≈ 1.75 yards

Purple stars ribbon:
45 inches ÷ 36 inches/yard ≈ 1.25 yards

Rainbow ribbon:
27 inches ÷ 36 inches/yard ≈ 0.75 yards

Now that we have the length of each type of ribbon in yards, we can calculate the total cost.

The cost of each yard of ribbon is $2.

Blue striped ribbon:
1.5 yards × $2/yard = $3

Pink ribbon:
1.75 yards × $2/yard = $3.50

Purple stars ribbon:
1.25 yards × $2/yard = $2.50

Rainbow ribbon:
0.75 yards × $2/yard = $1.50

To find the total cost, we can sum up the costs of each type of ribbon:

$3 + $3.50 + $2.50 + $1.50 = $10.50

Therefore, Mrs. Hollern will pay $10.50 for all the ribbon.

To find out how much Mrs. Hollern will pay for all the ribbon, we first need to calculate the total length of ribbon in inches and then convert it to yards.

1. Add up the lengths of each type of ribbon to find the total length:
Blue striped = 54 inches
Pink = 63 inches
Purple stars = 45 inches
Rainbow = 27 inches
Total length = 54 + 63 + 45 + 27 = 189 inches

2. Convert the total length from inches to yards:
There are 36 inches in a yard, so divide the total length by 36:
Total length in yards = 189 / 36 = 5.25 yards

3. Finally, multiply the total length in yards by the cost per yard ($2) to find out how much Mrs. Hollern will pay:
Total cost = 5.25 yards * $2/yard = $10.50

Therefore, Mrs. Hollern will pay $10.50 for all the ribbon.