Lenny buys 5/8 yd. of ribbon for every 2 yd. of fabric for a project. What is the unit rate of ribbon to fabric?

To find the unit rate of ribbon to fabric, we divide the amount of ribbon by the amount of fabric.

The amount of ribbon is 5/8 yard and the amount of fabric is 2 yards.

Therefore, the unit rate of ribbon to fabric is (5/8) / 2 = 5/8 * 1/2 = 5/16.

So, the unit rate of ribbon to fabric is 5/16 yard per yard.

To find the unit rate of ribbon to fabric, we need to determine how much ribbon is needed for each unit of fabric.

Lenny buys 5/8 yd. of ribbon for every 2 yd. of fabric.

To find the unit rate, we need to divide the amount of ribbon by the amount of fabric.

Therefore, the unit rate of ribbon to fabric is 5/8 yd. / 2 yd.

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

(5/8) / (2/1) = (5/8) * (1/2) = 5/16

So, the unit rate of ribbon to fabric is 5/16 yd.

To find the unit rate of ribbon to fabric, we need to determine how much ribbon is needed per yard of fabric.

Given that Lenny buys 5/8 yd. of ribbon for every 2 yd. of fabric:

Step 1: Divide the amount of ribbon by the amount of fabric in the ratio.
5/8 yd. of ribbon ÷ 2 yd. of fabric

Step 2: Simplify the fraction, if possible.
5/8 yd. ÷ 2 yd.

To divide fractions, we invert the second fraction and multiply:
5/8 yd. × 1/2 yd.

Step 3: Multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators.
(5 × 1) / (8 × 2) yd.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction, if possible.
5/16 yd.

The unit rate of ribbon to fabric is 5/16 yd. of ribbon per 1 yd. of fabric.