Who was sent to find the seven golden cities of Cibola?

Question 4 options:

Christopher Columbus



Cabeza De Vaca

Coronado was sent to find the seven golden cities of Cibola.

Sailed to the Gulf of Mexico and mapped the Texas coastline

Question 5 options:


Christopher Columbus


Cabeza De Vaca

Pineda sailed to the Gulf of Mexico and mapped the Texas coastline.

The person who was sent to find the seven golden cities of Cibola was Coronado.

The person who was sent to find the seven golden cities of Cibola was Coronado.

To arrive at this answer, we can use a basic search method. Let's break down the options and see which one fits the description:

1. Christopher Columbus: Columbus was the famous explorer who discovered the New World in 1492, but he was not sent to find the cities of Cibola.

2. Pineda: Pineda was the Spanish explorer who mapped and explored the Gulf Coast of present-day Mexico and Texas, but he was not sent to find the cities of Cibola.

3. Coronado: Francisco Vázquez de Coronado was a Spanish conquistador who was sent on an expedition by the Spanish Empire to search for the Seven Cities of Cibola, which he believed were filled with riches.

4. Cabeza De Vaca: Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca was a Spanish explorer who embarked on a journey through what is now the southwestern United States. Although he had heard stories of the Seven Cities of Cibola, he was not specifically sent to find them.

Therefore, based on this analysis, the correct answer is Coronado.