fill in the blank

_______ – historical record created by a person who experiences something first hand; feeling or action that favors one viewpoint over another.

Subjectivity – historical record created by a person who experiences something first hand; feeling or action that favors one viewpoint over another.

The blank can be filled with the term "primary source."

The answer is "Primary Source."

A primary source is a historical record that is created by someone who directly witnesses or participates in an event. This could be a diary entry, a letter, a photograph, or any firsthand account. Primary sources provide valuable evidence and insights into a particular time period, event, or individual.

On the other hand, the term you mentioned in the blank refers to "bias." Bias is a feeling or action that favors one viewpoint over another. It can arise from personal opinions, cultural backgrounds, or deliberate manipulation of information. It is important to be aware of bias when analyzing historical sources, as it can influence how events are portrayed and interpreted.

To find the correct answer to questions like this, it's helpful to have some background knowledge or use reliable resources like textbooks, online databases, or academic sources. These sources often provide definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts, which can contribute to a deeper understanding of the topic.