Fill in the blank.

Increased taxes from the British led to increased _______ in the colonies

Increased taxes from the British led to increased unrest in the colonies.

To answer this question, one would need some historical knowledge about the relationship between Great Britain and its American colonies during the 18th century. The American colonies were subject to a series of acts and taxes imposed by the British government, such as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Acts. These acts were intended to increase British control over the colonies and generate revenue to help pay off the debts incurred during the French and Indian War.

The increasing taxation without representation and the perceived infringement on colonial rights led to widespread discontent among the colonists. They saw these acts as violations of their liberties and began protesting against the British government. The increased taxes ultimately played a significant role in fueling the flames of revolution, leading to events like the Boston Tea Party and the eventual American Revolutionary War.

So, in summary, increased taxes from the British led to increased unrest in the colonies as a result of the colonists' resistance to what they viewed as unfair and oppressive taxation.