which of the following is equivilent to a subroutine depending on the programming language



The correct answer is "function."

In many programming languages, a subroutine is a named section of code that performs a specific task and can be reused throughout a program. In modern programming languages, such as Java, C++, Python, etc., subroutines are generally implemented using functions.

A function is a block of code that can be called and executed multiple times within a program. It accepts input parameters, performs a task, and optionally returns a value. Functions can be seen as self-contained units that can be used to abstract and modularize code, making it easier to read, write, and maintain.

Regarding the other options:
- A model is typically used to represent and manipulate data or objects in a programming language. It may have methods (including functions) to perform various operations on the data.
- A mutator is a method or function that is used to modify the state or values of an object. It is often associated with object-oriented programming and is used to change the internal data or attributes of an object.
- An accessor is a method or function that provides access to the attributes or properties of an object, allowing the retrieval or reading of those values.

Therefore, out of the given options, "function" is the equivalent term for a subroutine in most programming languages.

The answer to your question is "function."

In programming languages, a subroutine is a named section of code that performs a specific task or set of tasks. It can be called from different parts of a program to perform its functionality. Similarly, a function is a named section of code that performs a specific task or set of tasks and can be called from different parts of a program. Therefore, a function is equivalent to a subroutine in most programming languages.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options (model, mutator, accessor) by understanding their definitions and purpose in programming:

1. Model: In programming, a model typically refers to a representation of data or a set of rules that define the behavior of an application. It does not directly correspond to a subroutine.

2. Mutator: A mutator, also known as a setter, is a method or function that is used to modify the value of an object's attribute or property. It is specific to object-oriented programming and does not typically represent a general-purpose subroutine.

3. Accessor: An accessor, also known as a getter, is a method or function used to retrieve the value of an object's attribute or property. Like a mutator, it is specific to object-oriented programming and does not serve as a general-purpose subroutine.

In summary, among the options provided, a function is the most suitable and equivalent term to a subroutine in programming languages.