Match the justifications for each step in order to prove the alternate interior angles theorem. note that lines l and n are parallel. ( 2 points )

<4 is congruent to <2
<2 is congruent to <6
<6 is congruent to >4
l is parallel to n

To prove the alternate interior angles theorem, the following justifications can be used:

1. Corresponding angles postulate - When a transversal intersects two parallel lines, the corresponding angles formed are congruent.
2. Transitive property of congruence - If two angles are congruent to a third angle, then they are congruent to each other.

Using these justifications, the steps to prove the alternate interior angles theorem can be matched as follows:

1. <4 is congruent to <2 - Corresponding angles postulate
2. <2 is congruent to <6 - Corresponding angles postulate
3. <6 is congruent to <4 - Transitive property of congruence
4. l is parallel to n - Given information about the lines.

Therefore, the order of the justifications for each step to prove the alternate interior angles theorem is:

1. Corresponding angles postulate
2. Corresponding angles postulate
3. Transitive property of congruence
4. Given information about the lines (l is parallel to n)

Match the justifications for each step in order to prove the alternate interior angles theorem. note that lines l and n are parallel. ( 2 points )

<4 is congruent to <2
<2 is congruent to <6
<6 is congruent to >4
l is parallel to n
Corresponding angles
Transitive property
vertical angles

To prove the alternate interior angles theorem, the following justifications can be used:

1. Corresponding angles - When a transversal intersects two parallel lines, the corresponding angles formed are congruent.
2. Transitive property - If two angles are congruent to a third angle, then they are congruent to each other.
3. Given information - The fact that lines l and n are parallel.

Matching the justifications for each step in order to prove the alternate interior angles theorem would be as follows:

1. <4 is congruent to <2 - Corresponding angles
2. <2 is congruent to <6 - Corresponding angles
3. <6 is congruent to >4 - Not enough information is given to justify this step. It would likely involve additional given information or the use of another angle theorem or property.
4. l is parallel to n - Given information

Therefore, only the first three steps from the list can be matched with the available justifications.

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how to teach my kid to have SAFE sex

Teaching your child about safe sex is an important and responsible decision. Here are some steps you can follow to effectively educate your child about the importance of safe sex:

1. Start Early: Begin having open and age-appropriate conversations about relationships, boundaries, and consent from an early age. This sets the foundation for future discussions about sexual health.

2. Provide Comprehensive Information: Provide accurate and age-appropriate information about reproductive anatomy, sexual development, contraception methods, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and how they can be prevented. Use reliable sources and consider using books or educational resources specifically designed for young people, as they often present the information in a comprehensive and engaging manner.

3. Promote Open Communication: Create a safe and non-judgmental environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their questions and concerns about sex. Encourage them to ask questions and assure them that you are there to provide guidance and support.

4. Discuss Consent and Boundaries: Teach your child about consent and the importance of respecting personal boundaries. Help them understand that both parties must freely and enthusiastically give consent for any sexual activity. Emphasize that they have the right to say no or to change their boundaries at any point.

5. Discuss Contraception: Educate your child about various contraception methods, emphasizing that condoms are the only widely available method that can prevent both pregnancy and the transmission of STIs. Talk about how to obtain condoms, their correct use, and the importance of using protection every time they engage in sexual activity.

6. Discuss Emotional Well-being: Help your child understand that sexual activity is not just physical but also entails emotional and mental aspects. Encourage them to engage in sexual relationships when they are ready and not to succumb to peer or societal pressure.

7. Encourage Regular Check-ups: Stress the importance of regular sexual health check-ups, including STI testing, for both themselves and their partners. Make them aware that routine check-ups are part of responsible sexual behavior.

8. Discuss Online Safety: Teach your child about the potential risks of online relationships and the importance of being cautious when sharing personal information or engaging in intimate conversations online.

9. Encourage Delaying Sexual Activity: While providing information about safe sex, also discuss the value of delaying sexual activity until they are emotionally mature, ready, and committed to a healthy and consensual relationship.

10. Be a Role Model: Practice what you preach by demonstrating healthy relationships, open communication, and responsible sexual behavior within your own life. Your actions can serve as a powerful teaching tool for your child.

Remember, ongoing communication and support are crucial. Stay open to answering questions, addressing concerns, and adjusting your approach as your child grows and their understanding of sexual health develops.