Which example shows an organism that cannot reach homeostasis through internal changes

A. A lizard is cold, and it moves to a sunny rock to warm up
B. Circulation decreases in a bird when it becomes to warm
C. A dog shivers when it is to cold
D. A person gets a fever in response to a flu infection

B. Circulation decreases in a bird when it becomes too warm

The example that shows an organism that cannot reach homeostasis through internal changes is option B. Circulation decreases in a bird when it becomes too warm.

To determine which example shows an organism that cannot reach homeostasis through internal changes, let's analyze each option and identify whether internal changes occur to restore equilibrium, or homeostasis.

A. A lizard is cold and moves to a sunny rock to warm up: In this case, the lizard is experiencing a decrease in body temperature (internal change), and in response, it moves to a sunny rock to increase its body temperature and restore homeostasis. This example demonstrates the organism's ability to reach homeostasis through internal changes.

B. Circulation decreases in a bird when it becomes too warm: Here, the bird is experiencing an increase in body temperature (internal change), and in response, its circulation decreases to dissipate heat and restore homeostasis. Therefore, this example also demonstrates the organism's ability to reach homeostasis through internal changes.

C. A dog shivers when it is too cold: In this scenario, the dog is experiencing a decrease in body temperature (internal change), and in response, it shivers to generate heat and increase its body temperature, thereby restoring homeostasis. Consequently, this example demonstrates the organism's ability to reach homeostasis through internal changes.

D. A person gets a fever in response to a flu infection: In this case, the person's body temperature increases (internal change) as a response to the flu infection. A fever is one of the body's defense mechanisms to fight off infections. Therefore, this example also shows how an organism can reach homeostasis through internal changes.

Based on the analysis, all the examples mentioned demonstrate organisms being able to achieve homeostasis through internal changes. None of them illustrate an organism that cannot reach homeostasis through internal changes. Therefore, the correct answer would be none of the options provided.