Which example shows an organism that cannot reach homeostasis through internal changes?

1 point
A lizard is cold, and it moves to a sunny rock to warm up.
A dog shivers when it is too cold.
A person gets a fever in response to a flu infection.

A person getting a fever in response to a flu infection.

In which two organs is food broken down?

1 point
Mouth and stomach
Small intestine and large intestine
Esophagus and small intestine
Esophagus and stomach

Mouth and stomach.

When you experience changes in light, sound, and temperature, which cells send signals toward the central nervous system?

1 point
sensory neurons

Sensory neurons.

Bacteria and humans are similar in that they

1 point
are multicellular.
produce energy.
are unicellular.
grow and reproduce.

Grow and reproduce.

Why is the classification species not considered a group?

1 point
Each species is an individual organism.
Each species is a separate type of organism.
Each species shares characteristics with other species

Each species is an individual organism.

Use this chart to answer the question below.

Use the table model to correctly identify the animal in the story. You are walking home from school and an animal jumps out on the sidewalk. You can see it has a backbone, fur and is nibbling on some grass. As you get closer, you see that the animal is a....
1 point