Portions of northeast Africa were historically invaded by which two groups?

romans and spanish
romans and Arabs
Arabs and French
Arabs and British

Arabs and British

This African country is known for its institutionalized practice of apartheid

South Africa

South Africa

The correct answer is Arabs and British. Portions of northeast Africa were historically invaded by both Arab and British groups. The Arabs played a significant role in the region's history, especially during the spread of Islam and the establishment of various Islamic dynasties. Later on, the British Empire expanded its influence in the region, eventually colonizing several countries, including Sudan, Egypt, and parts of Somalia.

To determine the historical groups that invaded northeast Africa, we can analyze the historical events and the interactions that took place in the region. In this case, the correct answer is Arabs and British. Here's how we can arrive at this answer:

1. Research historical events: To understand the historical invasions in northeast Africa, it's important to research events related to the region. Specifically, we should focus on periods when different groups had significant interactions or conflicts in that area.

2. Analyze the Roman Empire: While the Roman Empire was a powerful force in ancient times, its direct influence in northeast Africa was mostly limited to coastal areas such as Egypt. The Roman Empire generally expanded westward towards Europe rather than extending deep into northeast Africa, so the Romans were not a major invading force in this specific region.

3. Consider Spanish and French involvement: While the Spanish and French did have colonial ambitions in Africa, their influence in northeast Africa was not as significant as in other parts of the continent. The Spanish primarily focused on territories in North and West Africa, while the French had more influence in West and Central Africa. Therefore, neither the Spanish nor the French were major invad