Rita and Tina each make $11 an hour working as cashiers at a supermarket. Last week, Rita worked r hours while Tina worked t hours. Rita also worked overtime hours during the week, for which she was paid an extra $32 flat wage. Which expressions represent the total weekly wages of both Rita and Tina?

Rita's total weekly wage, without overtime, is $11 * r.

Including her overtime pay, Rita's total weekly wage is $11 * r + $32.
Tina's total weekly wage is $11 * t.
The total weekly wages of both Rita and Tina are $11 * r + $32 + $11 * t. Answer: \boxed{11r+11t+32}.

The total weekly wage for Rita can be calculated by multiplying her regular hourly wage by the number of hours she worked plus the overtime wage.

For Tina, it would be the regular hourly wage multiplied by the number of hours she worked.

So, the expressions representing the total weekly wages of Rita and Tina would be:

For Rita: (r * $11) + $32
For Tina: t * $11

To find the total weekly wages of both Rita and Tina, we need to calculate the amount Rita and Tina earned for their regular hours and overtime hours.

Rita's total wages for regular hours: 11 * r
Tina's total wages for regular hours: 11 * t

Rita's total wages for overtime hours: 32
Note that Rita's overtime pay is a flat wage.

To find the total wages for both Rita and Tina, we add their wages for regular hours and overtime hours:

Total wages = Rita's total wages for regular hours + Tina's total wages for regular hours + Rita's total wages for overtime hours

Total wages = (11 * r) + (11 * t) + 32

Therefore, the expression that represents the total weekly wages of both Rita and Tina is (11 * r) + (11 * t) + 32.