Jake runs 76–√ miles on Monday and 56–√ miles on Tuesday. What is the difference in miles run each day?(1 point)

To find the difference in miles run each day, we need to subtract the number of miles run on Tuesday from the number of miles run on Monday.

76 - (√ Miles on Monday) = 56 - (√ Miles on Tuesday)

We cannot simplify this further without knowing the exact values of the square roots.

To find the difference in miles run each day, subtract the number of miles run on Tuesday from the number of miles run on Monday.

Therefore, the difference in miles run each day is: (76 - √) - (56 - √) miles.

Simplifying this expression, we can remove the parentheses and combine like terms:
76 - √ - 56 + √
= (76 - 56) + (√ - √)
= 20 + 0
= 20 miles.

Therefore, the difference in miles run each day is 20 miles.

To find the difference in miles run each day, we need to subtract the number of miles Jake ran on Tuesday from the number of miles he ran on Monday. Let's calculate it step by step:

First, let's find the number of miles Jake ran on Monday. Given that Jake ran 76–√ miles, we can simplify it by taking the square root of √:
76 – √ = 76 – √(√)
Since the square root of √ is just √, we can simplify further:
76 – √ = 76 – √ = 76 – (√) = 76 – 8 = 68

So, Jake ran 68 miles on Monday.

Next, let's find the number of miles Jake ran on Tuesday. Given that Jake ran 56–√ miles, we can also simplify it by taking the square root of √:
56 – √ = 56 – √(√)
Since the square root of √ is just √, we can simplify further:
56 – √ = 56 – √ = 56 – (√) = 56 – 7 ≈ 49

So, Jake ran approximately 49 miles on Tuesday.

Now, let's calculate the difference in miles run each day:
Difference = Monday's miles - Tuesday's miles
Difference = 68 - 49 = 19

Therefore, the difference in miles run each day is 19 miles.