Jake runs 7√6 miles on Monday and 5√6 miles on Tuesday. What is the difference in miles run each day?

A. 2√12
B. 4√6
C. 4√12
D. 2√6

The difference in miles run each day can be found by subtracting the number of miles run on Tuesday from the number of miles run on Monday: 7√6 - 5√6 = (7 - 5)√6 = 2√6.

Therefore, the difference in miles run each day is 2√6, which corresponds to answer choice D.

To find the difference in miles run each day, we need to subtract the number of miles run on Tuesday from the number of miles run on Monday.

The number of miles run on Monday is 7√6 miles.
The number of miles run on Tuesday is 5√6 miles.

Subtracting the number of miles run on Tuesday from the number of miles run on Monday:

7√6 - 5√6

To subtract these expressions, we need to have the same radical term.

Since both terms have the same radical term, which is √6, we can simply subtract the coefficients:

7 - 5 = 2

Therefore, the difference in miles run each day is 2√6.

The correct answer is option D. 2√6.

To find the difference in miles run each day, we need to subtract the number of miles run on Tuesday from the number of miles run on Monday.

Given that Jake runs 7√6 miles on Monday and 5√6 miles on Tuesday, we can find the difference as follows:

Difference = (7√6) - (5√6)

To subtract two radical expressions, we need to have the same radicand (the number inside the square root). In this case, both expressions have √6, so we can subtract them directly.

Difference = 7√6 - 5√6

Now, we can combine the like terms:

Difference = (7 - 5)√6

Difference = 2√6

Therefore, the difference in miles run each day is 2√6.

The correct answer is D. 2√6.