Hannah took $50.00 to go shopping, and she bought 2 shirts for

$17.00 each. How much change will she have?

Hannah spent 2 * $17.00 = $<<2*17=34.00>>34.00 on shirts.

Hannah will have $50.00 - $34.00 = $<<50-34=16.00>>16.00 left in change. Answer: \boxed{16}.

To find out how much change Hannah will have, we need to subtract the total cost of the shirts from the amount of money she took with her.

Step 1: Find the total cost of the shirts.
Hannah bought 2 shirts for $17.00 each, so the total cost of the shirts is 2 * $17.00 = $<<2*17=34.00>>34.00.

Step 2: Calculate the change.
Hannah started with $50.00, and the total cost of the shirts was $34.00.
Subtracting the cost of the shirts from the amount of money she took, we get $50.00 - $34.00 = $<<50-34=16.00>>16.00.

Therefore, Hannah will have $16.00 in change.

To calculate how much change Hannah will have, we need to subtract the total cost of the shirts from the amount of money she took with her.

First, let's find the total cost of the shirts. Since Hannah bought 2 shirts for $17.00 each, we can multiply $17.00 by 2 to get the total cost:

$17.00 * 2 = $34.00

So, the total cost of the shirts is $34.00.

Next, we subtract the total cost of the shirts from the amount of money Hannah took with her:

$50.00 - $34.00 = $16.00

Therefore, Hannah will have $16.00 in change.