Use the table to answer the question.

White Blue
3 4
x 8
9 12
12 y
For every 4 blue crayons in a box, there are 3 white ones. How many white crayons are there if there are 8 blue ones? How many blue crayons are there if there are 12 white ones?

(1 point)

9; 12
9; 12

4; 8
4; 8

12; 16
12; 16

6; 16
6; 16
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The correct answer is:

For every 4 blue crayons, there are 3 white ones. So, if there are 8 blue crayons, there would be (8 * 3) / 4 = 6 white crayons.

Similarly, if there are 12 white crayons, there would be (12 * 4) / 3 = 16 blue crayons.

To find the number of white crayons if there are 8 blue ones, we can use the ratio given in the table. For every 4 blue crayons, there are 3 white ones. Therefore, for 8 blue crayons, we can set up the following proportion:

3 white crayons / 4 blue crayons = x white crayons / 8 blue crayons

Cross multiplying, we get:

3 * 8 = 4 * x
24 = 4x
x = 6

So, there are 6 white crayons if there are 8 blue ones.

To find the number of blue crayons if there are 12 white ones, we can again use the ratio given in the table. For every 4 blue crayons, there are 3 white ones. Therefore, for 12 white crayons, we can set up the following proportion:

3 white crayons / 4 blue crayons = 12 white crayons / x blue crayons

Cross multiplying, we get:

3 * x = 4 * 12
3x = 48
x = 16

So, there are 16 blue crayons if there are 12 white ones.

To answer the first question, we can see from the table that for every 4 blue crayons, there are 3 white ones. So, if there are 8 blue crayons, we can calculate the number of white crayons by setting up a proportion.

We can write the proportion as: (3 white crayons / 4 blue crayons) = (x white crayons / 8 blue crayons)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

3 white crayons * 8 blue crayons = 4 blue crayons * x white crayons

24 = 4x

Divide both sides by 4:

24 / 4 = x

x = 6

Therefore, if there are 8 blue crayons, there should be 6 white crayons.

To answer the second question, we can see from the table that for every 4 blue crayons, there are 3 white ones. So, if there are 12 white crayons, we can calculate the number of blue crayons by setting up a proportion.

We can write the proportion as: (3 white crayons / 4 blue crayons) = (12 white crayons / y blue crayons)

To solve for y, we can cross-multiply:

3 white crayons * y blue crayons = 4 blue crayons * 12 white crayons

3y = 48

Divide both sides by 3:

3y / 3 = 48 / 3

y = 16

Therefore, if there are 12 white crayons, there should be 16 blue crayons.