What is the tallest mountain

The tallest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. It is located in the Himalayas and has a peak elevation of 8,848.86 meters (29,031.7 feet).

Transform 4x+y=-12 to slope-intercept form

To transform the equation 4x + y = -12 into slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept, follow these steps:

1. Start with the given equation: 4x + y = -12.

2. Subtract 4x from both sides of the equation to isolate the y term: y = -4x - 12.

3. The equation is now in the form y = mx + b, where m = -4 (slope) and b = -12 (y-intercept).

Therefore, the slope-intercept form of the equation 4x + y = -12 is y = -4x - 12.

The tallest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. It is located in the Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet. Mount Everest stands at approximately 8,848 meters (29,029 feet) above sea level.

The tallest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest, located in the Himalayas. It reaches an elevation of 8,848.86 meters (29,031.7 feet) above sea level.

To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "tallest mountain in the world" on a search engine like Google.
2. Look for reliable sources such as scientific websites, encyclopedias, or recognized mountain databases.
3. Explore the search results and compare the heights of different mountains.
4. Verify the information by checking multiple sources and cross-referencing the data.
5. Once you have confirmed that Mount Everest is the tallest mountain, you can provide the answer confidently.