Sarah is making granola mix. he needs 6.125 cups of granola. his measuring cups are only in fractions. how many cups is 6.125 in fractions form? simplify is possible.

A: 6 125/1,000
B: 6 1/8
C: 6 1/15
D: 6 5/4

To convert 6.125 to a fraction, we can multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 1000 to eliminate the decimal point.

6.125 * 1000 = 6125

Therefore, the fraction form of 6.125 is 6125/1000.

Simplifying this fraction by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 125, we get:

6125/125 = 49/8

Therefore, 6.125 in fraction form is 6 1/8.

The correct answer is B: 6 1/8.

To convert 6.125 cups to fractions, we can start by converting the decimal part (0.125) to a fraction.

Since 0.125 is 1/8 of a whole, we can write it as 1/8.

Now we have 6 1/8 cups.

Therefore, the answer is B: 6 1/8.

To express 6.125 cups in fractions, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the decimal to a fraction.

Since there are three decimal places after the decimal point, the fractional part will have a denominator of 1000.

6.125 = 6 + 125/1000

Step 2: Simplify the fraction.

To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor of 125 and 1000 is 125.

125/1000 = 1/8

Therefore, 6.125 cups can be expressed as 6 1/8.

In conclusion, the answer is B: 6 1/8.