Which sentence contains an adverb modifying an adjective

The barn cat purred happily

Slowly, the sleepy pig rolled over

The very content cow chewed cud

Unfortunately, it began to rain

The very content cow chewed cud

The sentence that contains an adverb modifying an adjective is:

"The very content cow chewed cud."

The sentence that contains an adverb modifying an adjective is: "The barn cat purred happily." In order to identify this, we can break down the sentence and understand the parts of speech involved.

First, we identify the adjectives in the sentence. An adjective describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. In this case, the adjective is "happy," which describes how the barn cat is purring.

Next, we need to identify the adverb, which modifies the adjective. An adverb describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb. In this case, the adverb is "happily," as it describes how the cat is purring. The adverb "happily" modifies the adjective "happy" by providing additional information about how the cat is purring.