A copy machine makes 36 copies per minute.How many copies does it make in 3 minutes and 15 seconds?

To find the number of copies the machine makes in 3 minutes and 15 seconds, we can convert 3 minutes and 15 seconds to minutes.

3 minutes and 15 seconds is equivalent to 3 + (15/60) = 3.25 minutes.

Next, we can multiply the number of copies per minute (36) by the number of minutes (3.25) to find the total number of copies made.

36 copies/minute * 3.25 minutes = 117 copies.

Therefore, the copy machine makes 117 copies in 3 minutes and 15 seconds.

To find how many copies the copy machine makes in 3 minutes and 15 seconds, we need to first convert the time into minutes.

There are 60 seconds in a minute, so 3 minutes and 15 seconds can be converted to:

3 minutes + (15 seconds / 60 seconds) = 3.25 minutes.

Now that we have the time in minutes, we can calculate the number of copies made by multiplying the number of copies made per minute (36) by the time in minutes (3.25):

Number of copies = 36 copies/minute * 3.25 minutes = 117 copies.

Therefore, the copy machine will make 117 copies in 3 minutes and 15 seconds.

To find out how many copies the machine makes in 3 minutes and 15 seconds, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Convert 3 minutes and 15 seconds to seconds.
3 minutes = 3 * 60 = 180 seconds
15 seconds = 15 seconds

Step 2: Add the converted minutes and seconds together.
180 seconds + 15 seconds = 195 seconds

Step 3: Divide the total seconds by the number of seconds it takes for the machine to make one copy.
195 seconds / 60 seconds = 3.25 (approximately)

Step 4: Multiply the result by the number of copies the machine makes per minute.
3.25 * 36 = 117 (approximately)

So, the copy machine makes approximately 117 copies in 3 minutes and 15 seconds.