A copy machine makes 24 copies per minute. How long does it take to make 138 copies?

To find the time it takes to make 138 copies, divide the total number of copies by the number of copies made per minute: 138 copies / 24 copies/minute = <<138/24=5.75>>5.75 minutes

A Web music store offers two versions of a popular song. The size of the standard version is 2.4 megabytes (MB). The size of the high-quality version is 4.7 MB. Yesterday, there were 1150 downloads of the song, for a total download size of 3910 MB. How many downloads of the high-quality version were there?

Let's assume that the number of downloads of the standard version is 'x' and the number of downloads of the high-quality version is 'y'.

Since the size of the standard version is 2.4 MB and there were 'x' downloads, the total download size for the standard version is 2.4x MB.

Similarly, since the size of the high-quality version is 4.7 MB and there were 'y' downloads, the total download size for the high-quality version is 4.7y MB.

According to the given information, the total download size is 3910 MB. Hence, we can form the equation:

2.4x + 4.7y = 3910 . (Equation 1)

Also, we know that the total number of downloads was 1150. Hence, we can form another equation:

x + y = 1150 . (Equation 2)

To solve this system of equations, we'll use a substitution method. Solving Equation 2 for x, we get:

x = 1150 - y

Now, substitute this value of x in Equation 1:

2.4(1150 - y) + 4.7y = 3910

Simplify and solve this equation for y:

2760 - 2.4y + 4.7y = 3910

2.3y = 3910 - 2760

2.3y = 1150

y = 1150 / 2.3

y = 500

Therefore, there were 500 downloads of the high-quality version.

To find out how long it takes to make 138 copies at a rate of 24 copies per minute, you can set up a proportion.

Let x be the time it takes to make 138 copies.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

24 copies / 1 minute = 138 copies / x minutes

To solve for x, you can cross-multiply:

24x = 138

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 24 to isolate x:

x = 138 / 24

This can be simplified:

x = 5.75

So, it takes approximately 5.75 minutes to make 138 copies.

To calculate how long it takes to make 138 copies, we need to divide the total number of copies by the number of copies made per minute, which is 24.

So, the calculation is:

138 copies / 24 copies per minute = 5.75 minutes

Therefore, it would take approximately 5.75 minutes to make 138 copies.