give meThere are many different types of lizards in Virginia. Five-lined skinks are the most common lizards in our state. They have yellow stripes on their backs. You may also have run into an Eastern fence lizard. They have brown bodies and red tails. Eastern glass lizards might scare you because they look like snakes. My favorite kind of lizard is the Eastern six-lined racerunner. I found one in my yard. It had yellow stripes on its back like five-lined skinks. However, racerunners have beautiful blue bellies.

Sure! Here are some options for a conclusion based on the provided information:

1. In conclusion, Virginia is home to a diverse range of lizard species. From the common five-lined skinks with their striking yellow stripes to the distinctive Eastern fence lizard with its brown body and red tail, these reptiles add vibrancy to our state. The Eastern glass lizard may resemble a snake at first glance, but its unique features make it an intriguing creature to encounter. Personal preferences aside, the Eastern six-lined racerunner, with its yellow-striped back and captivating blue belly, holds a special place in my heart. Isn't it amazing how nature blesses us with such fascinating creatures right in our own backyards?

2. To sum up, Virginia's lizard population showcases a captivating assortment of species. While the five-lined skinks are the most prevalent with their yellow-striped backs, a sighting of an Eastern fence lizard with its brown body and red tail is equally enchanting. Although Eastern glass lizards may startle us with their snake-like appearance, it's important to appreciate their unique qualities. Lastly, let's not forget the Eastern six-lined racerunner, which remains my personal favorite. Its yellow-striped back coupled with the astonishing blue belly make it a true natural marvel. It's truly awe-inspiring to observe the beauty and diversity of these lizards right in our own surroundings.

3. In summary, Virginia boasts a wide array of lizard species, each with its own distinct characteristics. The ever-present five-lined skinks, adorned with their yellow stripes, dominate the lizard population. However, the Eastern fence lizard stands out with its brown body and striking red tail. Those who come across Eastern glass lizards, resembling snakes, may initially be taken aback, but their presence adds to the fascinating reptile ecosystem of our state. Among the numerous choices, my personal favorite is the Eastern six-lined racerunner. Spotting one in my yard, with its reminiscent yellow stripes and stunning blue belly, was an unforgettable experience. Virginia's lizard population truly offers a marvelous glimpse into the wonders of nature.

Here are the different types of lizards in Virginia:

1. Five-lined Skinks: The most common lizards in Virginia, Five-lined Skinks have yellow stripes on their backs.

2. Eastern Fence Lizards: These lizards have brown bodies and red tails.

3. Eastern Glass Lizards: These lizards resemble snakes and might scare you. They are often mistaken for snakes due to their lack of limbs.

4. Eastern Six-lined Racerunners: These lizards have yellow stripes on their backs similar to Five-lined Skinks, but what makes them unique is their beautiful blue bellies.

So, the types of lizards in Virginia are Five-lined Skinks, Eastern Fence Lizards, Eastern Glass Lizards, and Eastern Six-lined Racerunners.

Based on the description provided, it seems that the Eastern six-lined racerunner is the favorite kind of lizard mentioned in the text. The Eastern six-lined racerunner is a lizard found in Virginia with yellow stripes on its back, similar to the five-lined skink. However, what makes it distinct is its beautiful blue bellies. If you are interested in seeing pictures or learning more about this specific lizard, you can search for "Eastern six-lined racerunner lizard" using an internet search engine. This should provide you with various relevant resources, including images and additional information.