Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point) After 1945, a civil war in China led to the rise of a(n) Choose government there.

After 1945, a civil war in China led to the rise of a Communist government there.

After 1945, a civil war in China led to the rise of a Communist government there.

To complete the sentence, you need to select the appropriate choice from the drop-down menu. Unfortunately, I cannot see the actual options in the menu, but based on the context, you might need to choose a term that describes the type of government that arose in China after the civil war. It could be options like communist, authoritarian, democratic, or even nationalist.

To find the answer, you can refer to your study materials or use reliable sources such as history textbooks, articles, or educational websites. Look for information about the civil war in China that occurred after 1945 and the type of government that emerged as a result. Pay attention to key historical events and political ideologies.