The code of Hammurabi in 1772 BC includes laws focusing on contracts. What type of U.S law is based on the code of Hammurabi ?

The type of U.S. law that is based on the code of Hammurabi is civil law. Hammurabi's code established principles and guidelines for civil matters, such as contracts, property, and torts. Although the modern legal system in the United States is much more complex and has evolved considerably since then, some concepts and principles from Hammurabi's code can still be found in civil law jurisdictions today.

The type of U.S law that is based on the code of Hammurabi is known as civil law. Civil law is a legal system derived from ancient Roman law, which also includes elements of the code of Hammurabi. This type of law focuses on the rights and obligations of individuals in private relationships, including contracts. It is primarily concerned with resolving disputes between individuals or organizations, rather than criminal offenses.

The type of U.S law that is based on the code of Hammurabi is known as contract law.