You made $280.00 for working 40 hours, which is described by 40y=$280.00x . Determine your earnings per hour.

To determine your earnings per hour, we need to solve the equation 40y = $280.00x for y.

Divide both sides of the equation by 40 to isolate y:

40y/40 = ($280.00x)/40

Simplifying the equation:

y = $7.00x

Therefore, your earnings per hour is $7.00.

To determine your earnings per hour, we need to solve the equation 40y = $280.00 for y.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 40, we get:

y = $280.00 / 40

Simplifying the right side gives:

y = $7.00

Therefore, your earnings per hour is $7.00.

To determine your earnings per hour, you need to divide the total earnings ($280.00) by the number of hours worked (40).

The equation provided, 40y = $280.00x, seems incorrect because it mixes variables and constants. In this equation, 40 represents the number of hours worked, y represents an unknown variable, $280.00 represents the total earnings, and x is another unknown variable.

Let's assume that x represents the earnings per hour. The equation should be stated as:

40x = $280.00

To find the value of x (earnings per hour), divide $280.00 by 40:

x = $280.00 / 40

Simplifying the expression:

x = $7.00

Therefore, your earnings per hour would be $7.00.