you made $280.00 for working 40 hours which is described by 40y = $280.00x determine your earning per hour

To determine the earning per hour, divide the total earnings by the total number of hours worked.

Earning per hour = Total earnings / Total hours worked

In this case, the total earnings are $280.00 and the total hours worked are 40.

So, earning per hour = $280.00 / 40 = $7.00.

Therefore, your earning per hour is $7.00.

To determine your earning per hour, divide the total earnings ($280.00) by the number of hours worked (40).

Earning per hour = Total earnings / Number of hours worked

Earning per hour = $280.00 / 40

Earning per hour = $7.00

Therefore, your earning per hour is $7.00.

To determine your earnings per hour, you need to solve the equation 40y = $280.00x where y represents the amount earned per hour and x represents the total number of hours worked.

In this case, we are given that 40y = $280.00x. To isolate y (earnings per hour), we can divide both sides of the equation by 40, the coefficient of y:

40y/40 = $280.00x/40

Simplifying, we get:

y = $7.00x

Therefore, your earnings per hour is $7.00.