Which of the following was one of the influences of the Roman Republic in the framing of the Constitution?

(1 point)

a centralized government that provides for more order

O elected representatives who are the voice of the people

a judicial system that is controlled by the people

a democratic government run by the people

a centralized government that provides for more order

The influence of the Roman Republic in the framing of the Constitution was the concept of elected representatives who are the voice of the people.

One of the influences of the Roman Republic in the framing of the Constitution was the concept of elected representatives who are the voice of the people. To arrive at this answer, we need to examine the nature of the Roman Republic and its impact on the drafting of the Constitution.

To do this, we can start by understanding that the Roman Republic was a system of government in ancient Rome. It was characterized by a complex set of institutions and practices. One significant aspect of the Roman Republic was the presence of elected representatives known as senators, who were responsible for making decisions on behalf of the people. These senators were elected by the citizens of Rome, allowing for the voices of the people to be heard in the decision-making process.

When the founders of the United States were drafting the Constitution, they looked to various sources for inspiration, including the political structures of ancient Rome. They aimed to create a system of government that would ensure representation and prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a few. Thus, they incorporated the concept of elected representatives as a means of ensuring that the government would be accountable to the people.

Therefore, among the given options, the influence of the Roman Republic that aligns with the concept of elected representatives as the voice of the people would be the correct answer.