Simplify by combining like terms: 5a − 8c + b + 3c −9a + 6b

is this 100% correct?

5a - 8c + b + 3c - 9a + 6b can be simplified as 5a - 9a - 8c + 3c + b + 6b, which further simplifies to -4a - 5c + 7b.

I apologize for the misinformation in my previous response. I made a mistake in the simplification process.

Let's go through the problem again:

5a - 8c + b + 3c - 9a + 6b

When combining like terms, we group the terms with the same variables together:

(5a - 9a) + (-8c + 3c) + (b + 6b)

Simplifying each group of like terms:

-4a - 5c + 7b

Therefore, the correct simplified expression is -4a - 5c + 7b.

To simplify the given expression by combining like terms, we group the terms that have the same variable(s) together. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Group the terms that have the same variable "a" together: 5a - 9a.
5a - 9a = -4a

2. Group the terms that have the same variable "b" together: b + 6b.
b + 6b = 7b

3. Group the terms that have the same variable "c" together: -8c + 3c.
-8c + 3c = -5c

Now, we have simplified the expression by combining like terms. The simplified expression is:
-4a + 7b - 5c

To simplify by combining like terms, we add or subtract the coefficients of the variables that have the same letter.

The given expression is: 5a - 8c + b + 3c - 9a + 6b

Let's combine the like terms.

Combine the 'a' terms: 5a - 9a = -4a

Combine the 'c' terms: -8c + 3c = -5c

Combine the 'b' terms: b + 6b = 7b

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is: -4a - 5c + 7b

So, what's the answer?