simplify each expression by combining like terms.


To simplify the expression -7(n-2) + 2(n+1), we distribute the -7 and 2:

-7 * n = -7n
-7 * -2 = 14

2 * n = 2n
2 * 1 = 2

Now, we can combine the like terms:

-7n + 14 + 2n + 2

Finally, we combine the terms:

-7n + 2n + 14 + 2

Simplifying further:

-5n + 16

To simplify the expression -7(n-2)+2(n+1), you can distribute the -7 and 2 to each term inside the parentheses:

-7(n-2) = -7n + 14
2(n+1) = 2n + 2

Now you can combine like terms by adding or subtracting the terms with the same variable.

-7n + 14 + 2n + 2

Combining like terms, we get:

(-7n + 2n) + (14 + 2) = -5n + 16

So, the simplified expression is -5n + 16.

To simplify the expression -7(n-2)+2(n+1), we need to distribute the -7 and 2 into the parentheses and then combine like terms.

1. Distribute -7 into (n-2):
-7 * n = -7n
-7 * -2 = 14
So, -7(n-2) becomes -7n + 14.

2. Distribute 2 into (n+1):
2 * n = 2n
2 * 1 = 2
So, 2(n+1) becomes 2n + 2.

Now, we have:
-7n + 14 + 2n + 2.

3. Combine like terms:
-7n + 2n = -5n
14 + 2 = 16

So, the simplified expression is:
-5n + 16.