how are nebulae and stars related? select the three correct answers

nebulae are found inside stars
nebulae explode to form stars
stars are pulled toward nebulae
nebulae form from stars
stars explode to form nebulae
stars form from nebulae

The three correct answers are:

1. Nebulae explode to form stars.
2. Nebulae form from stars.
3. Stars form from nebulae.

The correct answers are:

1) Nebulae form from stars
2) Stars form from nebulae
3) Nebulae explode to form stars

The three correct answers are:

1. Nebulae form from stars: Nebulae are enormous clouds of gas and dust in space. They are formed when a star undergoes a massive explosion called a supernova. The explosion disperses its outer layers into space, creating a cloud-like structure known as a nebula.

2. Stars form from nebulae: Inside the nebulae, gravity slowly pulls together gas and dust particles. As these particles come closer together, the force of gravity increases, causing more matter to be pulled in. Eventually, this accumulation of matter becomes so dense and hot that it ignites nuclear fusion, triggering the birth of a star.

3. Stars are pulled toward nebulae: While it is true that stars can form from nebulae, they are not actively pulled toward nebulae. Instead, the process of star formation occurs within the nebula itself due to gravitational attraction. The cloud of gas and dust in a nebula collapses under its own gravity, leading to the formation of a star.