What is formed from nebulae?(1 point)







Stars, planets, and moons are all formed from nebulae.

The correct answer is all of the above: galaxies, stars, moons, and planets can form from nebulae.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by understanding what nebulae are. Nebulae are vast clouds of gas and dust found in space. These clouds are primarily composed of hydrogen gas, along with other elements and molecules.

From these nebulae, the process of star formation can occur. As gravity causes the gas and dust particles within the nebula to come together, they begin to collapse inward. As the collapse continues, the cloud starts to spin and flatten out into a rotating disk shape. At the center of this disk, a clump of gas and dust called a protostar begins to form. Over time, this protostar continues to accumulate mass and heat up, eventually becoming a fully-fledged star.

Not only can stars form from nebulae, but they also play a crucial role in the formation of other celestial objects. The intense heat and energy released by stars can cause nearby dust and gas to coalesce and form planets and moons. As the star continues to burn, the remaining material in the surrounding disk can also come together to create planets or other objects within the star system.

Furthermore, as larger clouds of gas and dust come together, they can form entire galaxies. Galaxies are enormous cosmic structures that contain billions or trillions of stars, along with other celestial objects like planets, moons, and interstellar gas.

Therefore, from the process of star formation within nebulae, we can conclude that galaxies, stars, moons, and planets can all be formed.