What four countries are located in central America

Puerto pico
El salvador

The four countries located in Central America are Belize, Honduras, Panama, and El Salvador.

The correct answer is:

The four countries located in Central America are:

1. Belize
2. Honduras
3. El Salvador
4. Panama

To determine the four countries located in Central America, we need to omit the Bahamas, Greenland, and Puerto Rico from the list provided as they are not located in Central America.

Central America consists of a narrow isthmus connecting North and South America. The four countries located in Central America are:

1. Belize: Located on the eastern coast of Central America, bordered by Mexico to the north and Guatemala to the west and south.

2. Honduras: Located to the southeast of Guatemala, bordered by Nicaragua to the south and El Salvador to the southwest.

3. Panama: Located to the southeast of Costa Rica, forming the narrowest section of Central America, connecting North and South America.

4. El Salvador: Located to the south of Honduras, bordered by Guatemala to the west and Honduras to the northeast.

Remember, it's essential to consult reputable sources to confirm the accuracy of geographical information.