Use the drop down menu to complete the sentence

Belize’s government is different from the governments of most central American countries because Belize

Is a presidential democracy
Has a dictator
Is a parliamentary democracy
Has the most stable democracy

Mexico and Central America at work quick check

Belize's government is a parliamentary democracy.

To answer this question, you need to locate and access a drop-down menu that presents answer options related to the government of Belize.

To find this drop-down menu, you should follow these steps:

1. Open the document, webpage, or platform that contains the question "Belize’s government is different from the governments of most Central American countries because Belize...".
2. Look for a section or question that asks you to select an option from a drop-down menu, usually indicated by a small arrow or downward-facing triangle icon.
3. Click on the arrow or triangle icon. This should reveal a list of options that you can choose from.
4. Locate the list item that best completes the sentence in a way that describes Belize's government. In this case, the correct option should identify the unique aspect of Belize's government compared to other Central American countries.
5. Click on the chosen answer option to submit your selection.

Based on the given answer options, the correct choice to complete the sentence would be "Has the most stable democracy."

To complete the sentence, you would choose the option "Is a parliamentary democracy."