Of the cars in a used-car lot, 25 are the color gray. 13 of the gray cars are electrically powered vehicles. What fraction of the cars on the lot are both gray and electrically powered? Leave your answer in simplified fraction form

To find the fraction of cars on the lot that are both gray and electrically powered, we need to divide the number of gray and electrically powered cars by the total number of cars on the lot.

The number of gray and electrically powered cars is given as 13.

To find the total number of cars on the lot, we add the number of gray cars (25) to the number of cars that are not gray.

Let's assume the number of cars that are not gray is x.

Therefore, the total number of cars on the lot is x + 25.

The fraction of cars that are both gray and electrically powered is:
(13) / (x + 25).

Since we want the fraction in simplified form, we cannot simplify it further without knowing the value of x.

what are all the answers to multiply & divide rational numbers unit test

As an AI language model, I can provide you with some general information about multiplying and dividing rational numbers, but I do not have access to specific test answers.

To multiply rational numbers, you multiply the numerators together to get the new numerator and multiply the denominators together to get the new denominator. For example, if you have the fraction 2/3 and you want to multiply it by 4/5, you would multiply the numerators (2 * 4 = 8) and multiply the denominators (3 * 5 = 15), giving you the result 8/15.

To divide rational numbers, you can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. The reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by interchanging the numerator and denominator. For example, to divide 2/3 by 4/5, you would multiply 2/3 by 5/4 (the reciprocal of 4/5).

Remember to simplify your answers if possible by canceling common factors between the numerator and denominator.

Please note that without specific questions from the test, it is not possible to provide the exact answers to your test. It is best to study the fundamental concepts of multiplying and dividing rational numbers and apply them to the questions provided on your test.

Of the cars in a used-car lot, 2/5 are the color gray. 1/3 of the gray cars are electrically powered vehicles. What fraction of the cars on the lot are both gray and electrically powered? Leave your answer in simplified fraction form.

To find the fraction of cars on the lot that are both gray and electrically powered, we need to multiply the fractions representing the proportion of gray cars and the proportion of gray cars that are electrically powered.

The fraction representing the proportion of gray cars is 2/5.

The fraction representing the proportion of gray cars that are electrically powered is 1/3.

To find the fraction of cars that are both gray and electrically powered, we multiply these fractions together:

(2/5) * (1/3)

When we multiply the numerators together (2 * 1 = 2) and multiply the denominators together (5 * 3 = 15), we get:


Therefore, the fraction of cars on the lot that are both gray and electrically powered is 2/15.

To find the fraction of cars that are both gray and electrically powered, we must divide the number of gray and electric cars by the total number of cars on the lot.

The number of gray and electric cars is given as 13.

The total number of cars on the lot is not provided in the question.

Therefore, without knowing the total number of cars, we cannot determine the fraction of cars that are both gray and electrically powered.

To find the fraction of cars that are both gray and electrically powered, we need to divide the number of cars that are both gray and electrically powered by the total number of cars on the lot.

We know that there are 25 gray cars and 13 of those gray cars are electrically powered.

So, the fraction of cars that are both gray and electrically powered would be 13 divided by 25.

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor of 13 and 25 is 1. Therefore, the fraction cannot be simplified any further.

So, the fraction of cars on the lot that are both gray and electrically powered is 13/25.