Of the cars in a used-car lot, 2/5 are the color gray. 1/3 of the gray cars are electrically powered vehicles. What fraction of the cars on the lot are both gray and electrically powered? Leave your answer in simplified fraction form

what is the anwer

The answer is $\boxed{\frac{2}{15}}$.

Let's say there are g gray cars in total and e electric cars among them. Then, we have two equations: (1) g = (2/5) total number of cars, and (2) e = (1/3) g. <<1/3*2/5=2/15>>2/15 of the cars are both gray and electrically powered. Answer: \boxed{\frac{2}{15}}.

in fraction

Apologies for the confusion. The answer in simplified fraction form is $\frac{2}{15}$.

Lake Profondo has a depth of 84 feet. Lake Segundo is 5/6 as deep. What is the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo? (Remember, the elevation is below sea level. Account for this in your answer.)(1 point)

Lake Segundo is 5/6 as deep as Lake Profondo.

To find the depth of Lake Segundo, we can multiply the depth of Lake Profondo by 5/6:

Depth of Lake Segundo = (5/6) * 84 feet

Simplifying the expression, we have:

Depth of Lake Segundo = (5 * 84) / 6 feet

Depth of Lake Segundo = 420 / 6 feet

Depth of Lake Segundo = 70 feet

Since the elevation is below sea level, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo is -70 feet.

Therefore, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo is \boxed{-70}.

are you sure

Apologies, I made a mistake in my previous response.

Given that Lake Segundo is 5/6 as deep as Lake Profondo:

Depth of Lake Segundo = (5/6) * 84 feet

Depth of Lake Segundo = (5 * 84) / 6 feet

Depth of Lake Segundo = 420 / 6 feet

Depth of Lake Segundo = 70 feet

Since the elevation is below sea level, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo is -70 feet.

Therefore, the correct answer is -70 feet.

What is the quotient of 100÷(−10)÷5?