Valerie used reverse chronological order when writing her resume. What does this mean?

(1 point)

She listed her most recent experience first.
She listed her most recent experience first.

She listed her most recent experience last.
She listed her most recent experience last.

She listed her most challenging tasks first.
She listed her most challenging tasks first.

She listed her experience by type.

She listed her most recent experience first.

The correct answer is: She listed her most recent experience first.

The correct response is: She listed her most recent experience first.

Reverse chronological order means that Valerie arranged her resume starting with her most recent experience and then working backwards in time. This order highlights her most recent and relevant work history, making it easier for employers to quickly assess her qualifications for a job. By listing her most recent experience first, Valerie shows that she is up-to-date with industry trends and has recent accomplishments that make her a strong candidate for a position.