Name of article and database for scholarly journal articles about business decision-making models on two different databases provided by the UFS library.

I apologize, but as an AI language model, I do not have real-time access to specific databases or information regarding the University of the Free State (UFS) library. However, I can provide you with general guidance on how to search for scholarly journal articles about business decision-making models on different databases.

1. Begin by accessing the UFS library website or any other academic library website you have access to.
2. Look for a link or tab related to "Databases" or "Electronic Resources" on the library's website.
3. Explore the available databases, which may include:

- Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
- ProQuest Business Collection
- ScienceDirect
- Wiley Online Library
- Emerald Insight
- SpringerLink

4. Once you have selected two databases from the list, access each database using your UFS library credentials.
5. In each database, locate the search bar or the advanced search option to conduct a more specific search.
6. Construct your search query using keywords and phrases related to business decision-making models. For example: "business decision-making models," "decision support systems," "decision analysis," or "decision science."
7. Refine your search by choosing options like "scholarly or peer-reviewed articles," "full-text availability," or specifying a publication date range, if needed.
8. After running the search, browse through the results and select articles that are relevant to your research topic.
9. Retrieve the necessary information for citing the articles, including the title, authors, publication year, journal name, volume, and issue number.

Please note that the availability of specific databases at the UFS library and the structure of their online platform may differ. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the UFS library website or contact the library staff directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information on the databases they provide access to.

To find scholarly journal articles about business decision-making models on two different databases provided by the UFS library, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the UFS library website: Visit the official website of the University of the Free State library.

2. Access the databases: Locate the section of the website that provides access to databases and click on it.

3. Select the first database: Choose one of the databases provided by the UFS library. Let's assume you select "Business Source Premier."

4. Search for articles: Use the search functionality within the selected database to find articles on business decision-making models. You can use relevant keywords like "business decision-making model" to narrow down your search. You may also specify additional criteria like publication dates or specific journals if needed.

5. Select an article: Once the search results appear, browse through the list of articles and select one that seems relevant to your topic. Make sure it is a scholarly journal article by checking the source and author credentials.

6. Note down the article details: Record the name of the article, authors, journal title, publication date, and any other relevant details.

7. Repeat for the second database: Now, go back to the database selection page on the UFS library website and choose a different database this time. For example, you could select "Emerald Insight."

8. Conduct the search again: Repeat steps 4 and 5, using the search functionality within the second database to find scholarly articles on business decision-making models.

9. Note down the article details: Once you have found a suitable article from the second database, record its name, authors, journal title, publication date, and any other relevant information.

By following these steps, you should have the names of articles and their associated databases for scholarly journal articles about business decision-making models on two different databases provided by UFS library.

To find scholarly journal articles about business decision-making models on two different databases provided by the University of Free State (UFS) library, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by visiting the UFS library website and accessing their online databases. Most libraries have a section dedicated to electronic resources or databases.

2. Identify the databases available for your search. Common academic databases for business-related topics include:

a. Business Source Complete
c. ProQuest

3. Open two separate browser tabs or windows, one for each database you want to search.

4. Begin with the first database (e.g., Business Source Complete) and conduct your search using appropriate keywords or phrases related to business decision-making models. Consider using combinations like "business decision-making models," "decision-making frameworks," or "strategic decision-making models."

5. Refine your search results by selecting options such as scholarly articles, peer-reviewed articles, or full-text availability.

6. Once you find relevant articles in the first database, note down the title, author(s), and any other citation details required.

7. Repeat the above steps for the second database (e.g., JSTOR) using the same or similar keywords.

8. By exploring multiple databases, you ensure a broader and more comprehensive search, potentially uncovering different articles.

Please note that the specific names of articles cannot be provided without knowing the database contents. However, following these steps should help you find scholarly journal articles about business decision-making models on the UFS library's provided databases.