Samar's team has just started to go through their checklist of game items to see if it is ready to proceed. What stage of the

production cycle is Samar's team currently in?
(1 point)





Based on the information given, Samar's team is currently in the pre-alpha stage of the production cycle.

To determine the stage of the production cycle that Samar's team is currently in, we need to understand the different stages involved in game development.

1. Pre-Alpha: This stage occurs at the beginning of the development process where the game is in its early development phase. The main focus is on creating prototypes and getting the basic mechanics and features in place.

2. Alpha: At this stage, major features of the game are implemented, but there is still a lot of refinement and polish needed. It is usually an internal testing phase where the game is first playable.

3. Beta: Beta testing happens after the alpha stage. The game is more stable and closer to the final version. It is made available to a limited number of players or testers to gather feedback, identify any remaining bugs or issues, and make necessary improvements.

4. Gold: This stage signifies the completion of the game development process. The game is considered "gold" when it is ready to be replicated for distribution, whether in physical copies or digital downloads.

5. Post-Production: This stage comes after the game is completed and launched. It involves ongoing support, updates, bug fixes, and potential expansions or downloadable content (DLC) releases.

Based on the given information, Samar's team is currently going through their checklist of game items to see if it is ready to proceed. This suggests that they are likely in the beta stage of the production cycle.