
Which sentence has the most positive connotation?

The team attended the game.

The team won the game.

The team played the game.

The team easily won the game.

The team easily won the game.

The sentence that has the most positive connotation is: "The team easily won the game."

To determine which sentence has the most positive connotation, you need to analyze the meaning of each sentence and consider the words used.

Looking at the options:

1. "The team attended the game." This sentence simply states that the team went to the game without giving any indication of a positive or negative outcome.

2. "The team won the game." This sentence indicates that the team was successful in their efforts and emerged as the victors. Winning typically has a positive connotation.

3. "The team played the game." This sentence doesn't provide any additional information about the outcome, so it is neutral in terms of connotation.

4. "The team easily won the game." This sentence adds the word "easily" to indicate that the team's victory was a result of their skill or superiority. This implies an even more positive connotation, as winning easily implies a greater level of success.

Therefore, the sentence with the most positive connotation is: "The team easily won the game."