2/8x+3/10y-5/8x+4/10y simplify by combining terms


To simplify the given expression, we first apply the distributive property to each term within the parentheses:

1/2(x + 4) + 1/4(4x - 2)

Multiplying 1/2 by each term in the first parentheses and 1/4 by each term in the second parentheses yields:

1/2 * x + 1/2 * 4 + 1/4 * 4x - 1/4 * 2

Simplifying the multiplication gives:

1/2x + 2/2 + 4/4x - 2/4

Reducing the fraction terms, we have:

1/2x + 1 + x - 1/2

Combining the like terms, we get:

1/2x + x - 1/2 + 1

Simplifying further:

(1/2 + 1)x + (1 - 1/2)

Adding the fractions:

(2/2 + 1/2)x + (2/2 - 1/2)

Simplifying the fractions again:

(3/2)x + (1/2)

Thus, the simplified expression becomes 3/2x + 1/2.

2/8x+3/10y-5/8x+4/10y Answer should be in mixed form.

To simplify the expression and put it in mixed form, we need to combine like terms.

The given expression is: 2/8x + 3/10y - 5/8x + 4/10y

Combining the terms with "x" gives: (2/8 - 5/8)x

Simplifying this gives: (-3/8)x

Combining the terms with "y" gives: (3/10 + 4/10)y

Simplifying this gives: (7/10)y

Putting it all together, the expression becomes: (-3/8)x + (7/10)y

In mixed form, this expression can be written as: (-3/8)x + (7/10)y

To simplify the expression 2/8x + 3/10y - 5/8x + 4/10y, we can combine like terms.

First, let's combine the terms with x:

2/8x - 5/8x is equal to (2-5)/8x, which simplifies to -3/8x.

Next, let's combine the terms with y:

3/10y + 4/10y is equal to (3+4)/10y, which simplifies to 7/10y.

Therefore, the simplified expression becomes:

-3/8x + 7/10y

To simplify the expression (2/8x + 3/10y - 5/8x + 4/10y), we can combine like terms.

First, let's combine the terms with the variable "x":

(2/8x - 5/8x) + (3/10y + 4/10y)

To combine these terms, we need to have a common denominator for the fractions involving "x". In this case, the least common denominator is 8. We can convert the numerators to have a denominator of 8:

(2/8 - 5/8)x + (3/10y + 4/10y)

Simplifying the fractions:
(1/4 - 5/8)x + (7/10y)

To add the fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator for the fractions involving "y" is 10. So, let's convert the fractions:

(1/4 - (5/8)x + (7/10)y)

Now, the expression is simplified and the terms are combined.

Combining the terms involves adding or subtracting coefficients of variables with the same base.

So, combining like terms in the expression 2/8x + 3/10y - 5/8x + 4/10y gives:

(2/8x - 5/8x) + (3/10y + 4/10y)

To combine the terms with "x", we subtract the coefficients:

(2/8 - 5/8)x

To combine the terms with "y", we add the coefficients:

(3/10 + 4/10)y

Simplifying the coefficients, we have:

(-3/8x) + (7/10y)