Which of the following contributed to the increased economic and military power of the Sumerians?

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Cause Effect
Response area increased economic and military power

Some possible responses could include:

- Development of an agricultural system: This allowed the Sumerians to produce surplus food and support a larger population, which in turn contributed to their economic and military power.
- Trade networks: The Sumerians established extensive trade networks, both within Mesopotamia and with neighboring regions. This allowed them to acquire valuable resources, expand their wealth, and strengthen their military capabilities.
- Technological advancements: The Sumerians developed various technologies, such as irrigation systems, wheel and axle, and bronze metallurgy. These advancements improved agricultural productivity, transportation, and military weaponry, ultimately contributing to their economic and military power.
- Organized city-states: The Sumerians developed complex city-state structures with centralized governments, which enabled efficient administration, organization of resources, and military coordination. This contributed to their economic and military power by facilitating effective governance and defense.

Some factors that contributed to the increased economic and military power of the Sumerians include:

1. Agricultural innovations: The Sumerians developed advanced irrigation systems and agricultural techniques, which increased crop yields and allowed for surplus food production. This led to a more stable and prosperous economy, as well as a reliable food supply for their military forces.

2. Trade networks: Sumer was strategically located between several major trade routes, allowing them to engage in extensive trade with neighboring regions. This not only brought wealth to the Sumerian city-states but also facilitated the exchange of ideas and technologies, including military advancements.

3. Military organization: The Sumerians developed a professional standing army, equipped with advanced weaponry such as chariots and bronze weapons. They also employed effective military tactics, which made them a formidable force in the ancient Near East.

4. Control over resources: Sumer had access to important natural resources such as fertile land, water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and clay for building materials. This allowed them to sustain their economy and military independently, without relying heavily on external sources.

5. City-state structure: The Sumerian civilization was composed of independent city-states, each with its own government and ruler. This decentralized structure allowed for competition and innovation, as different city-states vied for power and influence. It also contributed to the development of a strong military culture among the Sumerians.

To determine which of the following contributed to the increased economic and military power of the Sumerians, we need to analyze the cause and effect relationships. The options provided are likely causes, and we need to match them with their corresponding effects. Here are the options:

1. Trade networks
2. Irrigation systems
3. City-state organization
4. Development of writing

Now, let's examine the effects each of these options had on the Sumerians' economic and military power:

1. Trade networks: The establishment of trade networks allowed the Sumerians to engage in commerce with neighboring regions, leading to increased wealth and access to valuable resources. This economic prosperity could have contributed to their military capabilities by enabling them to finance and maintain a powerful army.

2. Irrigation systems: The Sumerians developed sophisticated irrigation systems to control and distribute water for agricultural purposes. This allowed them to cultivate fertile land and increase crop yields, leading to a surplus of food. With a stable food supply, they could support a larger population, including soldiers for their military.

3. City-state organization: The Sumerians organized themselves into city-states, which were independent political entities consisting of a city and its surrounding territory. This centralized government structure provided efficient administration, taxation, and defense. With strong city-states, the Sumerians were able to mobilize their resources effectively for both economic and military purposes.

4. Development of writing: The Sumerians were one of the first civilizations to develop a writing system called cuneiform. This allowed them to record and preserve information, including economic transactions, legal codes, and military strategies. The development of writing facilitated efficient communication, coordination, and record-keeping, which likely contributed to their economic and military power.

To determine which option matches the increased economic and military power of the Sumerians, you would need to pair the cause with the corresponding effect. Unfortunately, the options provided in the question are not clear in terms of whether they represent causes or effects. Please provide more specific information or refer to additional sources to make a more accurate assessment.