The Mound Builders primarily lived in what regions? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

Region A
Region A

Region B
Region B

Region C
Region C

Region D
Region D

Region E
Region E

Region A, Region B, Region C, Region D

The Mound Builders primarily lived in the following regions:

Region A
Region B
Region C
Region D
Region E

To determine the regions in which the Mound Builders primarily lived, we can refer to historical and archaeological sources. The Mound Builders were ancient indigenous peoples of North America who constructed various earthworks, including mounds, throughout different periods in pre-Columbian history. To identify the regions they predominantly inhabited, let's go through each option and evaluate its association with the Mound Builders.

Region A: No historical or archaeological evidence suggests that the Mound Builders lived primarily in this region. Therefore, we can exclude it as a potential answer.

Region B: Although there may be some mounds found in this region, it is not commonly associated with the Mound Builders. Thus, we can exclude it as a potential answer.

Region C: This region has a strong association with the Mound Builders. The Ohio River Valley, which falls within this region, was a significant area where many mound-building cultures thrived. This includes the Adena and Hopewell cultures, which are often categorized as Mound Builders. As a result, we can consider this region as a correct answer.

Region D: Similar to Region C, this region, specifically the Mississippi River Valley, has a prominent association with the Mound Builders. Cultures such as the Mississippian civilization were prominent in this area, constructing elaborate mound complexes. Hence, we can consider this region as a correct answer.

Region E: No historical or archaeological evidence suggests that the Mound Builders lived primarily in this region. Therefore, we can exclude it as a potential answer.

Based on the evaluation, the regions that the Mound Builders primarily lived in are Region C (Ohio River Valley) and Region D (Mississippi River Valley).