2323 N Central Expressway. Richardson, TX 75080

This is a valid address in Richardson, Texas.

Which of the following shows the correct process of solving  −30 4.5 ?(1 point)Responses−30 4.5=−3⋅0 4.5=0 4.5=4.5negative 3 superscript 0 baseline plus 4.5 equals negative 3 times 0 plus 4.5 equals 0 plus 4.5 equals 4.5−30 4.5=−1⋅30 4.5=−1⋅1 4.5=−1 4.5=3.5negative 3 superscript 0 baseline plus 4.5 equals negative 1 times 3 superscript 0 baseline plus 4.5 equals negative 1 dot 1 plus 4.5 equals negative 1 plus 4.5 equals 3.5−30 4.5=−3 4.5=1.5negative 3 superscript 0 baseline plus 4.5 equals negative 3 plus 4.5 equals 1.5−30 4.5=(−3)0 4.5=1 4.5=5.5negative 3 superscript 0 baseline plus 4.5 equals left parenthesis negative 3 right parenthesis superscript 0 baseline plus 4.5 equals 1 plus 4.5 equals 5.5

The correct process of solving -30 / 4.5 is:

-30 divided by 4.5 equals -6.67

This address is a location in Richardson, Texas. Is there anything specific you would like to know or any steps you need assistance with?

The information you provided appears to be an address, specifically 2323 N Central Expressway, Richardson, TX 75080. This address refers to a location in Richardson, Texas.

Whether you are searching for more information about the address or if you are looking for directions or nearby amenities, there are different ways to obtain the desired information. Here are a few options:

1. Search Engines: Use popular search engines like Google or Bing. Enter the full address, "2323 N Central Expressway, Richardson, TX 75080," and you will find relevant information such as the location on a map, street view, nearby businesses, and more.

2. Map Services: Utilize online map services such as Google Maps or Apple Maps. Simply enter the address in the search bar, and you will receive detailed results including directions, nearby points of interest, and even street views.

3. Local Directories: Look up the address on local directories such as Yelp or Yellow Pages. They can provide information on nearby businesses, services, ratings, reviews, and contact information.

4. Official Websites: If you are looking for information about a specific establishment, such as a business or organization located at this address, visit their official website. Many businesses provide information about their location, contact details, hours of operation, and services offered on their websites.

It is important to note that depending on the specific intention or purpose behind your query, you may want to explore one or more of the addressed methods to obtain the desired information accurately and efficiently.