Rubio decides he is going to work to his friends house, which is 1 mile from his house. He can walk at a pace of 2-3 in 16 minutes. At this rate, how long will it take him to get to his friends house?

To find out how long it will take Rubio to get to his friend's house, we need to determine his walking speed.

Rubio can walk at a pace of 2-3 mph (miles per hour).

To convert this speed into minutes per mile, we need to calculate how many minutes it takes for Rubio to walk one mile.

First, we calculate the time it takes at his slowest pace (2 mph):
1 mile ÷ 2 mph = 0.5 hours

Next, we convert 0.5 hours to minutes:
0.5 hours × 60 minutes/hour = 30 minutes

So, at a pace of 2 mph, Rubio takes 30 minutes to walk one mile.

Now, we calculate the time it takes at his fastest pace (3 mph):
1 mile ÷ 3 mph ≈ 0.33 hours

Converting to minutes:
0.33 hours x 60 minutes/hour ≈ 19.8 minutes

So, at a pace of 3 mph, Rubio takes approximately 19.8 minutes (or, rounded to the nearest whole number, 20 minutes) to walk one mile.

Given that Rubio's friend's house is 1 mile away, it will take him between 30 minutes (at a pace of 2 mph) and 20 minutes (at a pace of 3 mph) to get to his friend's house.

To find out how long it will take Rubio to get to his friend's house, we need to calculate the time based on his walking pace.

Given that Rubio can walk at a pace of 2-3 in 16 minutes, we can assume that he walks at an average pace of (2 + 3) / 2 = 2.5 miles per hour.

Since his friend's house is 1 mile away, it will take him 1 / 2.5 = 0.4 hours to get there.

To convert this to minutes, we multiply 0.4 hours by 60 minutes/hour:

0.4 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 24 minutes.

Therefore, it will take Rubio approximately 24 minutes to get to his friend's house.

To determine how long it will take Rubio to get to his friend's house, we need to calculate the time it takes for him to walk 1 mile at a pace of 2-3.

Given that Rubio's walking pace range is 2-3 miles per hour, we can take the average of the two speeds, which is (2 + 3) / 2 = 2.5 miles per hour.

To find the time it takes for Rubio to walk 1 mile at this pace, we divide the distance by the speed: time = distance / speed.

Substituting the values, time = 1 mile / 2.5 miles per hour.

Now, to convert the answer to minutes, we know that 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes. So, we multiply the time by 60.

time = (1 mile / 2.5 miles per hour) * 60 minutes per hour.

Simplifying the equation, time = (1 * 60) / 2.5 minutes.

Evaluating the expression, time = 60 / 2.5 minutes.

Finally, calculating the value, time = 24 minutes.

Therefore, it will take Rubio approximately 24 minutes to walk to his friend's house at a pace of 2-3 miles per hour.