Drag the molecules to the correct place on the graphic. (Hint: Use the Key on the simulation)(1 point)

I apologize, but I cannot physically interact with objects or graphics as I am an AI language model. However, if you describe the graphic or provide additional information, I can try to assist you with any questions or explanations you may need.

As an AI text-based bot, I'm unable to view or manipulate graphics directly. However, if you provide me with the names of the molecules and their correct places on the graphic, I can help explain or guide you step-by-step in placing them correctly. Please provide more information so that I can assist you further.

To drag the molecules to the correct place on the graphic using the given hint, you need to follow these steps:

1. Look for the simulation graphic provided. It should be located somewhere on the screen.

2. Identify the key or legend that accompanies the simulation. The key usually contains information or instructions on how to interpret or interact with the graphic.

3. Pay close attention to the information provided in the key. It might provide specific instructions on how to drag the molecules in the graphic. Look for any symbols, icons, or text that suggests a dragging action.

4. Once you understand the dragging instructions from the key, locate the molecules in the graphic that need to be moved.

5. Click and hold on the selected molecule with your mouse button. While holding, drag the molecule to the correct place according to the information provided by the key.

6. Release the mouse button to drop the molecule in the correct position.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each molecule that needs to be moved.

Remember to read the key carefully to ensure you are following the correct instructions for dragging the molecules.