Jackson received an email that appeared to be from his bank, informing him that there was an issue with his account and requesting him to click on a link to verify his information. Trusting the email's authenticity, Jackson clicked the link and entered his login credentials, unknowingly providing them to a cybercriminal. This situation is an example of:


Intercepting and decrypting secure communication channels.


Sending malicious software through email attachments


This situation is an example of phishing.

The situation described is an example of phishing. Phishing is a type of online scam where cybercriminals try to trick people into providing their personal or sensitive information, such as login credentials, passwords, or credit card details. In this scenario, Jackson received an email that appeared to be from his bank, but it was actually from a cybercriminal. The email claimed there was an issue with his account and requested him to click on a link to verify his information. By clicking the link and entering his login credentials, Jackson unknowingly provided them to the cybercriminal, compromising his account security. Phishing attacks like this rely on deceiving the recipient by creating a sense of urgency or familiarity to manipulate them into taking actions that disclose their sensitive information. It is important to exercise caution when dealing with unsolicited emails, avoid clicking on suspicious links, and verify the authenticity of communication before providing any personal information.