Which of the following statements best describes the idea of the social contract

A. The social contract is the idea that people enter into unspoken agreement with each other for the protection of their natural rights

A. The social contract is the idea that people enter into unspoken agreement with each other for the protection of their natural rights.

Which state would be hurt the worst in terms of distribution of power of enslaved people were not counted toward population at least 60 percent

A. New York

B. Rhode Island

C. Maryland

D. Pennsylvania

C. Maryland

What was the number of the amendment that granted women the right to vote

A. Fifteenth amendment

B. Thirteenth amendment

C. Nineteenth amendment

D. Fourteenth amendment

C. Nineteenth amendment

A. The social contract is the idea that people enter into an unspoken agreement with each other for the protection of their natural rights.

To determine which of the following statements best describes the idea of the social contract, you will need to understand what the concept of the social contract entails.

The social contract is a theory that aims to explain the relationship between individuals and their government or society. It suggests that individuals willingly give up some of their natural rights in exchange for the protection and benefits provided by society or a governing body.

Now, let's assess the statement options:

A. The social contract is the idea that people enter into an unspoken agreement with each other for the protection of their natural rights.

This statement accurately captures the essence of the social contract theory. It suggests that individuals come together and establish a social agreement to protect their natural rights. Therefore, this statement best describes the idea of the social contract.

Thus, the correct option would be A.