Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences.

Rousseau's idea of


the social contract

separation of powers

stood in direct contrast to the previous idea of a king's right to rule by divine right. Under Rousseau's theory, a government gets its power from

the people

a constitution


the natural order of things

rather than from

the people

a constitution


the natural order of things


the divine right of a king.


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the social contract

I apologize, I'm not sure if you had a question or if you wanted me to provide more information regarding Rousseau's idea of the social contract. If you need more information, feel free to ask!


Rousseau believed in the importance of tolerance between different individuals and groups in society. He believed that individuals should be free to express their ideas and beliefs, and that the government should not restrict this freedom unnecessarily. He also believed that it was important to respect the beliefs and opinions of others, even if we disagree with them. Rousseau saw tolerance as a key element of a healthy and vibrant society, where individuals can live together peacefully despite their differences.